Been a while since you’ve felt crowded? Nuclear Norm tells the story of a dystopian cyberpunk fever dream that existed […]
Episode 45.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] The WOOZ, Less Than A-MAZE-ing
What better way to unwind after a long day of wandering through a mall than paying to get lost in […]
Episode 45: Apollo 13
By 1970, flying to the moon was boooooooring… at least, if you asked the People of Earth. Nothing like a […]
Episode 44.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] TIDAL
As a follow-up to his Tragedy Tuesday about the Pono Player, Leigh brings us up to speed on TIDAL, the […]
[Announcement] End of the First Era
Peter and Leigh announce the end of the first phase of this disaster and our triumphant return in April 2021! […]
Episode 43.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] The Curious Case of Adolphe Sax and his Saxophone
If the history of the saxophone’s invention had a soundtrack, it certainly wouldn’t be smooth jazz. An inventor that just […]
Episode 43: [Album Autopsy] Garth Brooks in… The Life of Chris Gaines
In this edition of Album Autopsy, Try-All Andy joins us as we are collectively baffled by a supposed radical departure […]
Episode 42.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] The Pono Player
What do you get when you go on a quest for high-fidelity portable audio, but forget to bring the design […]
Episode 42: The Laki Eruption
In the late 18th century, the Netherlands really had it out for Iceland. Maybe it was all the red-hot magma, […]
Episode 41.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] The Third Wave Experiment
Why teach a class about 1930s German’s descent into fascism when you can just show the whole school how it’s […]